Faco Posté(e) le 18 mars 2020 Signaler Posté(e) le 18 mars 2020 Hi! I am looking for some help with my husqwarna 430X, it is ready to start the 4th year of work, but there is something wrong and this time I cannot find a solution. Robot seems fine, the charge base has a fixed green light, all seems ok BUT it is unable to reach the charge base and when it reaches one area of the garden it says "No cable signal" or "Out of Working Area". I have checked perimeter wires and guides with a tester, there is continuity on all four connectors of the charge base. So seems that no cable is broken, and the green light confirms that. I have tried to reset all the settings of the robot, then I have tried to pair it to the charge station again but nothing has changed. The robot "bounces" on one of the guides and does not work after such guide. In an another place of the same area after the bouncing guide, the robot says "no cable signal" or it works for some meters and than stops with "Out of working area". If I put it in the charge base and I do start the work, it does go back and then it stops with the error message "Out of working area". There should be no broken cable in such area because nobody has made any change or made any work in the last months. The robot was working when I put it the garage past year. Does anybody have some suggestions about things that I can try? Is there any other step to take to have the robot learn area, guides and perimeter? Thanks! Citer
SteveL Posté(e) le 18 mars 2020 Signaler Posté(e) le 18 mars 2020 Bonjour, Un schéma de l' installation serait le bienvenu. Citer
Faco Posté(e) le 18 mars 2020 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 18 mars 2020 I have made a schema, thanks. With the tester I got continuity when trying these couples: AL + AR, AL + G2, AL + G1 . Led light is Green. So cables seems to be good. Could be a problem with charge station or his power unit? Citer
SteveL Posté(e) le 18 mars 2020 Signaler Posté(e) le 18 mars 2020 Comment avez vous fait pour tester AL + AR, AL + G2, AL + G1 ?? Citer
Faco Posté(e) le 18 mars 2020 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 18 mars 2020 I have set the "Multimètre analogique" to misure ohm so that when I shortcut the two metal pointers the indicator will move to the end of the scale. So I have disconnected all from the back of charge station and I have put one of them on AL and the other on AR then G2 and G1. All are moving the indicator like when directly shortcutted. I also have set Multimetre to misure 50 Volts and, with all cables connected to charge station, I placed the metal pointers one on AL and the other to other connectors. But this way I didn't get any result.The indicator do not move. Hope I have explained :-) Citer
SteveL Posté(e) le 18 mars 2020 Signaler Posté(e) le 18 mars 2020 Bête question mais quand tout est débranché, la lumière est toujours verte fixe ? Pouvez vous essayez AL-G1 AL-G2 AR-G1 AR-G2 G1-G2 à la place de AL-AR et voir si la lumière est toujours verte fixe pour chaque situation. Citer
Faco Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 So, I have checked cable continuity for AL-G1 AL-G2 AR-G1 AR-G2 G1-G2, the cables are not broken in all ways I can mix them. When all cables are disconnected the led is blu flashing If AL + AR are the only two connected led is green. If I put AL or AR + G1 or G2 led is Green. Near to the charge station, when cables are connected and Led is green, I can hear a little little noise like "rrrrrrrrrr". Citer
SteveL Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Signaler Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Avez vous vérifié que le courant arrive bien au borne AL-AR-G1-G2 ? Pouvez vous faire un test avec un câble électrique entre AL et AR pour faire une petite zone afin de voir si le robot fonctionne dans ce cas ? Citer
SteveL Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Signaler Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Menu sécurité - Avancée - Nouveau signal de boucle - Le signal boucle est choisi de façon aléatoire pour créer un lien unique entre le robot tondeuse et la station de charge. Dans de rares cas, il peut être nécessaire de générer un nouveau signal, par exemple si deux installations voisines ont un signal très similaire. 1. Placez le robot de tonte dans la station de charge à laquelle il doit être connecté. 2. Sélectionnez Nouveau signal boucle dans le menu, puis appuyez sur OK. 3. Appuyez sur OK et attendez la confirmation que le signal boucle a été généré. Cela prend généralement 10 secondes environ. Citer
Faco Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Thanks for the help! I have tried already to sync charge station with automower by using the option you say in Security menu, nothing has changed. When you are in front of the charge station, from the side where the robot should enter to charge, it seems like the right area is "dead". When the robot tries to go to the base, it will try many times on the left side of the charge station and cannot find it. If placed on the right or in the back, it says "out of working area". Later I could try to create a little new perimeter and see what happens... good suggestion thanks. About voltage check in terminals, as I wrote in the first post, with multimeter set to Volt and not alternate power, I was not able to move the indicator. So the multimeter was not able to detect any voltage in the cables. Which power should it have in the cables? Citer
SteveL Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Signaler Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 C'est probablement la carte de la base qui est morte dans ce cas car il n'est pas normal d'entendre 'rrrrrrrr' Le mieux est de faire une petite zone avec un câble électrique rapidement pour tester. Si c'est ok, c'est que le câble a bien un soucis, dans le cas contraire, soit un problème de carte de la base ou un problème avec le transformateur. Quand rien n'est branché AL-AR-G1-G2, vous entendez aussi le 'rrrrrrrr' ? Et quand rien n'est branché AL-AR-G1-G2 et que vous enlever le connecteur d'alimentation de la base, le 'rrrrrr' est toujours présent aussi ? Citer
Faco Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 when nothing is connected there is not the "rrrrrr" that is very low in volumes but I can hear it. As soon two cables are connected the "rrrrrr" starts. Citer
SteveL Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Signaler Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Et à la sortie du transformateur, vous avez combien de Volt ? Il faudrait prendre les mesures à la sortie du transformateur et essayer sur la carte de la base. Je pense que le transformateur est mort ou la carte de la base. Citer
Faco Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 So, I have checked output of the power supply, it says 28 Volts near the power supply and it says 29 Volts near ne charge station, so this piece should be ok. Then I have tried to disconnect both G1 and G2 but the robot display reports an error about missing guide. AR and AL only seems not enought. Then I have checked voltage of cable connectors: AL + G1 = 3,5 Volts, AL + G2 = 0 AL+AR = 0 AR + G2 = 0 AR + G1 = 3,5 Volts. Now I am going to try with all connected but G2 removed... Are such voltagese right? Citer
Faco Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 G2 disconnected robots starts slowly and then says “failed to calibrate guide” the same happens with G1 disconnected Citer
SteveL Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Signaler Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 28V, c'est ok. Pour le reste, cela me semble étrange... Etes vous certains de ne pas avoir interverti les câbles ? Le robot n'est pas en mode ECO ? Citer
Faco Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Cables should be in the right place, I have not messed up with them since the past year. Anyway I have tried to inverted G1 and G2 cables and started the robot again from the charge station. This time the robot was able to start working, it has moved around all the back area. Wow I say.. may be it was this? I did not inverted cables... how could be? Then I have pushed the Park button on charge station, the robot starts to come back but it was unable to find the charge station... it always goes to his left when searching for it. Later I have moved the robot to the fron side of the garden, started it, was working... but after 4 minutes it has stopped. The display was in standby mode, I hit start again and the message was "no cable signal". So again it was not really working. May be the power in the cables is not the same for all the time. The strange thing is that I cannot get the Volt value sometimes. Or seems very low. I go back to the charge station, I took a piece of cable and I have build a new perimeter of about 100 m2, and I have created a guide connected to G1. Ok, I have reset all settings and started the robot again, he was trying to calibrate guide... Failed. Ok. After a couple of minutes it has started to cut the grass... ok... then I have waited a little and hit the Park Button. Robot stops cutting and has started to reach the charge station. The strange thing is that it has done this by following the Guide it was unable to calibrate. Then it perfectly parks into the charge station. So...if possible I am now more confused of before! Citer
SteveL Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Signaler Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Donc cela doit bien venir d'un problème de câble alors . Avez vous pensé a mesuré AL-AR AL-G1 AR-G1 dans cette nouvelle configuration ? Citer
Faco Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 I have tried to get the Voltage value with new cables but the indicator was not moving... in any configuration, very little movement. But when I connect cables I could see a spark... AL-AR I never get any value so 0 volts AL-G1 was 3,5 with original cables. AR-G1 was 3,5 volts. Citer
SteveL Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Signaler Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Donc les valeurs sont les mêmes que l'essai de tantôt. Ce qui me semble étrange c'est qu'il y a 3,5V avec le G1 et rien avec le G2. Peut-être essayer d'ouvrir la base pour voir si il n'y a pas un câble à l'intérieur qui pose problème. C'est étrange cette étincelle.... Citer
Faco Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 The spark happens when connecting the wire to the plug... I do that without any connector. Tomorrow I will try to move guide 1 temporary cable to G2 and see what happens. Is there any "must condition" to be able to calibrate guides? Is the "Reset all settings" the right way to restore robot to original settings and without any setting? I see that by doing this my PIN is still the same and I am not pretty shure that GPS data will be deleted. In the manual talk about a GPS data reset option but I have no such option in menù. Citer
Fred Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Signaler Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Je ne pense pas qu’un reset réglera le souci. Avez-vous fait faire l’entretien ? Si oui un auto test du robot a-t-il été fait ? Si oui je demanderais une base à tester. Citer Merci aux Supporters de soutenir le forum Fonctionnement du forum Mon installation
SteveL Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Signaler Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 il y a 4 minutes, Fred a dit : Je ne pense pas qu’un reset réglera le souci. Avez-vous fait faire l’entretien ? Si oui un auto test du robot a-t-il été fait ? Si oui je demanderais une base à tester. J'essaye de comprendre mais c'est pas évident lol. Citer
Fred Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Signaler Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Oui je vois tu maitrises en tout cas Citer Merci aux Supporters de soutenir le forum Fonctionnement du forum Mon installation
Faco Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Well, no, I have made a check in the seller shop the first year and never more. I don't see anything that could need assistance. I clean and check the robot by myself. Once I have made all tests yes... the only solution will be to call support for husqvarna... a new base to try will be helpful. Citer
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